A L E X E Y   D O B R O T V O R S K I I Russian language   RUS

Born in Moscow in 1971. While studying in high school, he attended a painting class at the Palace of Pioneers.
In 1983 he graduated from the Moscow Art School. And in 1990 he graduated from the Moscow Electromechanical College.
During his studies at the technical school and at the institute, he studied playing the saxophone at the The Cultural Center of the Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Plant.
He performed on stage as a member of several musical groups.
At the same time, he studied painting in private art workshops and took private lessons.
In 1996 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering of Electronics and Automation.
During his studies, he participated in Moscow art exhibitions.
In 1998, he founded the Photodrom company for the sale of photographic equipment.
From 1998 to this day I have been engaged in artistic photography and painting.
The directions in the works are Impressionism, Tonalism, Minimalism. Almost all the works are written in the technique of Alla Prima.
He sold his works abroad using the platforms Etsy, Artsy, DPW, Saatchiart.
Now I am trying to master the domestic market of fine art.

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